What is a tuff spot?

So what is a Tuff Spot or a play mat? It is also referred to as a hard place, play mat or wet floor. Originally made for the building industry but because of its large size and being made from strong, durable plastic, this mat has grown incredibly popular for use by young children. Now it is also available as a shower mat and as a mat for the kitchen. There are many benefits to using these mats including:

– Safety – The tuff spots have been designed with safety in mind, providing an excellent surface for young children to climb and explore safely. When you stand on a standard sized sheet of rubber, there are typically two main issues to consider. Firstly, they are usually not very deep so the edges are smooth and clean. Secondly, they are made from a thick, durable material that protects the user from the edges. These features ensure that they provide a safe surface for your child whilst being incredibly sturdy and firm.

– Versatility – The tuff spots can be used with different heights to create different levels for your toddlers to play at. If your young children are climbing a 10 inch trays with no sides then you have the ability to start them off with different heights and gradually increase the depth as they develop their skills. Likewise, you could start them out at a five inch tray with sides and increase the height as they get better. The bottom tray is also a good height to start off with as young children often hate to sit on the grass.

– Easiness – You can simply stack the trays on top of each other with the included hinge to conveniently create multiple levels. This makes it incredibly easy to tidy up as you never have to worry about different levels again! This is important as you don’t want to be cleaning up a big mess on a daily basis. A tuff spot tray is especially convenient as you can quickly and easily move from one level to the next without having to dismantle anything. This also makes it easier to create a mess in the correct areas without too much effort. The ease of cleaning is something that parents really appreciate when they have to clean up.

– Cleaning – One of the biggest issues parents complain about is the mess caused by a non-standardised tuff spot mat. Luckily, there is a simple solution. A cosy direct filling tuff spot stand allows you to fill the tray with your own mixture. This is great because not only is it incredibly easy to clean (a quick splash to rinse off any excess) but you can guarantee consistency.

– Children’s play activities – Kids are messy and what better way to encourage this than with a fully cosy direct filling tuff spot mat? These make it super easy to combine tuff filling and other activities. Have your child roll his eyes and spray foam balls. Combine this with a couple of other toys that encourage different heights. You’ll have a very successful activity that the whole family will enjoy playing together.

– Children’s craft times – Who wouldn’t want a handy spot for their young children to work at their craft times? The best thing about the tuff spots is that it is completely safe. Young children absolutely love working with their hands and they have all of the freedom and safety to do so. The tray itself can also be washed as you would a washing basket, providing a gentle and effective clean. It is also a fantastic idea to help young children learn their shapes and colours.

Tuff Stuffs are extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways. They are great for young children, naughty teenagers, office kids and all kinds of messy play time. They are safe, non toxic and totally mess proof. No child should have to experience an accident during their busy play time and what better way then with a safe and cosy toy like the tuff spots? Give them one and watch them wonder where they went wrong.